ITC Conference Grant
printWhat are ITC Conference Grants?
COST's priority is enhancing research collaboration where ideas and people can grow without borders. ITC Conference Grants help PhD students and early-career investigators from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries attend international science and technology related conferences that are not specifically organised by a COST Action.
For more information please refer to the Grant Awarding Manual.
Detailed information on participants’ eligibility, evaluation and selection, financial support, and grant payment procedures can be found in the Annotated Rules.
ITC Conference Managers: Dr Aida DERVISHI and Dr. Maja Lazarević.
ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting Young researchers and Innovators from Participating Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organized by the COST Action. Young Researchers and Innovators are researchers or innovators under the age of 40.
Eligibility criteria
ITC Conference Grants are limited to Young researchers and innovators from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries and NNC Countries.
The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official event/conference programme. The main subject of the oral / poster presentation at the approved conference must be on the topic of the Action ConservePlants and must acknowledge COST (see Annotated Rules).
The proposed conference to be attended must take place before the end of the current Grant Perod of the COST Action. Virtual conference fees up to a maximum of €500 can be considered eligible provided all other eligibility conditions are fulfilled!
Priority will be given to oral presentations over poster presentations.
The submission for ITC conference grants should be made after the abstract has been approved by the conference organizers.
Only participants who have not received funding in this Grant Period (1.11.2022-31.10.2023) are eligibe to apply.
The application process
Applicants must submit the application using an e-COST profile and provide the details of the bank account into which a grant would be made if ITC conference application is approved and completed successfully.
The deadline: The calls are announced under the Open Calls tab.
Evaluations: The list of supporting documents to be submitted for the evaluation are:
- The submitted ITC application form
- A full CV, including recent publications
- A copy of the abstract or manuscript accepted
Additionally (if available):
- The most recent conference booklet or leaflet / conference program (especially if the Applicant is listed) or the confirmation of abstract acceptance
Applicants must send the following documents (in a single PDF) to the members of ITC Conference Grants Commission: Prof. Govianna Aronne (, Dr. Aida Dervishi (, Prof. Maja Lazarević ( The requested amount should reflect the duration and location of the Conference and the actual conference fee. The ITC Conference Grants Commission is entitled to lower the requested amount.
After the conference the grantee needs to send the presentation / poster that is ackowledging COST Conserve Plants. In addition the grantee has 30 day calendar days from the end of the date of the conference to upload a report to the eCost platform.
With any further questions, please contact ITC Conference Grants Coordinator