
An overview of the database on conservation actions on threatened plant species



Increasing habitat and biodiversity loss requires more and more specific conservation activities supporting the survival of threatened plant species in the wild. While several databases on conservation actions already exist, they usually contain only some basic information, are not updated regularly, and are confined to specific geographic regions. Results of conservation activities are not systematically published in scientific articles, and thus often they are not publicly or easily accessible. Conversely, there is a strong need for the exchange of knowledge and experience among plant conservationists of different backgrounds. In the scope of the COST Action CA18201 ConservePlants, a Database on conservation activities on threatened plant species in Europe has been established based on a survey distributed through emails and Google Forms. Its primary objective is to offer useful information about conservation activities targeting threatened plant species, but also to enable the assessment of positive and negative aspects of completed actions, and to provide guidelines for future conservation planning. The Database contains more than 3000 inputs for over 900 plant species obtained from c. 150 conservationists from 32 European countries. It provides information about geographical distribution and types of plant based conservation activities in Europe; types of institutions involved in it; differences in financial aspects; plant species and their habitats; types of actions implemented; success and outcome of the actions. The Database will soon be publicly available with the intention of updating it regularly, aiming to become an important source of information for future practical conservation activities.

While the database is in it's final stages before publication, you can get a glimpse into its contents here: Database on Conservation Actions on Threatened Plant Species.

The database can be accessed here.