
Scientific Publications




  1. Aavik, T., Reitalu, T., Kivastik, M., Reinula, I., Träger, S., Uuemaa, E., ... & Zobel, M. (2025). A pan‐European citizen science study shows population size, climate and land use are related to biased morph ratios in the heterostylous plant Primula veris. Journal of Ecology.
  2. Fonteyn, W., Serra‐Diaz, J. M., Muys, B., & Van Meerbeek, K. (2025). Incorporating climatic extremes using the GEV distribution improves SDM range edge performance. Journal of Biogeography52(3), 780-791.
  3. Godefroid, S., Lacquaye, S., Ensslin, A., Dalrymple, S., Abeli, T., Branwood, H., ... & White, F. J. (2025). Current state of plant conservation translocations across Europe: motivations, challenges and outcomes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-24.
  4. Carta, A., Mattana, E., Ensslin, A., Godefroid, S., & Molina‐Venegas, R. (2025). Plant evolutionary history is largely underrepresented in European seed banks. New Phytologist.
  5. Lončarević, N., Liu, U., Stefanaki, A., Carapeto, A., Ensslin, A., Meade, C., ... & Glasnović, P. (2024). Database of European vascular plants red lists as a contribution to more coherent plant conservation. Scientific Data11(1), 1138.
  6. Rossano, B., & Lubomír, A. (2024). Measuring standardized functional leaf traits of aquatic carnivorous plants–challenges and opportunities. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 125826.
  7. Camilleri, L., Debono, K., Grech, F., Bellia, A. F., Pace, G., & Lanfranco, S. (2024). Topographic complexity is a principal driver of plant endemism in Mediterranean islands. Plants13(4), 546.
  8. Cuena‐Lombraña, A., Fois, M., & Bacchetta, G. (2024). Gone with the waves: the role of sea currents as key dispersal mechanism for Mediterranean coastal and inland plant species. Plant Biology.
  9. Hazubska-Przybył, T., Wawrzyniak, M. K., Obarska, A., & Salaj, T. (2024). Cryopreservation of Abies alba× A. numidica and Pinus nigra embryogenic tissues by stepwise dehydration method. Plant Methods20(1), 10.
  10. Müller, C. M., Gemeinholzer, B., Reiker, J., & Wissemann, V. (2024). The Use of Non-Local Leucanthemum Vulgare Agg. Seeds in the Course of Restoration Measures Cannot be Detected Several Years After Their Application. Acta Botanica Hungarica66(3-4), 251-270.
  11. Schneider, S., Breit, F., Frankenberg, T., Walisch, T., & Daco, L. (2024). Overview of plant species translocations in Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb126, 147.
  12. Cuce, M., & Inceer, H. (2024). Micropropagation and reintroduction of the endemic Tripleurospermum ziganaense (Asteraceae) to its natural habitat. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant60(5), 646-658.
  13. Glasnović, P., Fantinato, E., Buffa, G., Carapeto, A., Dragićević, S., Fišer, Ž., ... & Lončarević, N. (2024). Assessing the national red lists of European vascular plants: Disparities and implications. Biological Conservation293, 110568.
  14. Surina, B., Balant, M., Glasnović, P., Gogala, A., Fišer, Ž., Satovic, Z., ... & Classen-Bockhoff, R. (2024). Lack of pollinators selects for increased selfing, restricted gene flow and resource allocation in the rare Mediterranean sage Salvia brachyodon. Scientific reports14(1), 5017.
  15. Albani Rocchetti, G., Brancaleoni, L., Caneva, G., Cona, A., Fabrini, G., Fraudentali, I., ... & Abeli, T. (2024). Testing seed germination from herbaria: Application of seed quality enhancement techniques and implication for plant resurrection and conservation. TAXON.
  16. Surina, B., Balant, M., Glasnović, P., Radosavljević, I., Fišer, Ž., Fujs, N., Castro, S. (2023). Population size as a major determinant of mating system and population genetic differentiation in a narrow endemic chasmophyte. BMC Plant Biol 23, 383.
  17. White, F. J., Ensslin, A., Godefroid, S., Faruk, A., Abeli, T., Rossi, G., & Mondoni, A. (2023). Using stored seeds for plant translocation: The seed bank perspective. Biological Conservation281, 109991.
  18. Corli, A., Rocchetti, G. A., Orsenigo, S., Possley, J., & Abeli, T. (2023). The role of aftercare in plant translocation. Biodiversity and Conservation32(13), 4181-4197.
  19. Glasnović, P., Fišer, Ž., Jančič, M., Balant, M., & Surina, B. (2023). Areography, environmental heterogeneity and spatial models explain patterns of past and present diversity in Edraianthus (Campanulaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society202(2), 215-232.
  20. Lozada-Gobilard, S., Pánková, H., & Münzbergová, Z. (2023) Interactive effects of light, water, soil type and competition on the endangered Minuartia smejkalii vary over time. Preslia 95: 165–183 
  21. Barberis, M., Calabrese, D., Galloni, M., & Nepi, M. (2023). Secondary metabolites in nectar-mediated plant-pollinator relationships. Plants12(3), 550.
  22. Haesen, S., Lenoir, J., Gril, E., De Frenne, P., Lembrechts, J., Kopecký, M., ... & Van Meerbeek, K. (2023). Uncovering the hidden niche: incorporating microclimate temperature into species distribution models.
  23. Salaj, T., Panis, B., Klubickova, K., Salaj, J. (2022). Cryopreservation of Abies alba embryogenic tissues by slow-freezing method, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 50(4), 12770.
  24. Uhlířová, J., Šibík, J.  (2022). Variability and syntaxonomy of relict calcareous pine and larch woodlands in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). Biologia, 77, 2037-2062.
  25. El Chami, M. A., Tourvas, N., Kazakis, G., Kalaitzis, P., & Aravanopoulos, F. A. (2021). Genetic Characterisation of Chestnut Cultivars in Crete. Forests, 12(12), 1659.
  26. Fišer, Ž., Aronne, G., Aavik, T., Akin, M., Alizoti, P., Aravanopoulos, F., ... & Zippel, E. (2021). ConservePlants: An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century. Research ideas and outcomes, 7, 1-29.
  27. Kosič, D., Zečić, E., Balant, M., Glasnović, P., Fišer, Ž., Jovićević, M., ... & Surina, B. (2021). Phytosociology, ecology and conservation status of (Lamiaceae), a narrow endemic of Eastern Adriatic. Hacquetia, 20(1), 91-106.
  28. Rojas‐Nossa, S. V., Sánchez, J. M., & Navarro, L. (2021). Nectar robbing and plant reproduction: an interplay of positive and negative effects. Oikos130(4), 601-608.
  29. Zhu, J., Hrušková, K., Pánková, H., & Münzbergová, Z. (2021). Quantifying patch‐specific seed dispersal and local population dynamics to estimate population spread of an endangered plant species. Ecology and evolution, 11(20), 14070-14078.
  30. Lozada-Gobilard, S., Pánková, H., Zhu, J., Stojanova, B., & Münzbergová, Z. (2020). Potential risk of interspecific hybridization in ex situ collections. Journal for Nature Conservation, 58, 125912.



  1. Ensslin A., Godefroid S. Where is Europe standing concerning the GSCP Target 8? A study on wild species seed bank collections in the framework of the COST Action CA18201 “Conserve Plants”. Presentation at EUROGARD, Budapest, 16-20 May 2022
  2. White F.J., Ensslin A., Godefroid S., Faruk A., Mondoni A. Using banked seeds for plant translocation: the practicalities and challenges. Presentation at IPTC2022, Rome, 20-23 June 2022
  3. Albani Rocchetti G., Brancaleoni, L., Caneva, G., Davis, C., D’Agostino, M., Fabrini, G., Godefroid, S., Iberite, M., Mayer, A., Mondoni, A., Abeli, T. Germination protocol for herbarium-stored seeds to recover extinct plants. Presentation at Seed Ecology VII, Gigón, 6-9 September 2022



  1. Stefanaki A., Petanidou T. Floral complexity,an indicator of plant vulnerability? assessment at the European continent level. Presented at the Greek ecological conference (, on-line, 14-17.10.2022
  2. Iovane, M., Aronne, G. Heat treatment during microsporogenesis triggers distily disruption in Primula palinuri. 117 Congresso della Societa Botanica Italiana (SBI). VIII International Plant Science Conference. (IPSC), Bologna, 7-10 September 2022.
  3. Wiland-Szymańska J., Kolasińska A., Kiehn M., Rose M., Fišer, Ž. An action to expand the general public's knowledge of the CITES plant species of Europe. Presentation at EUROGARD, Budapest, 16-20 May 2022
  4. Ranalli R., Fois M., Galloni, M., Bacchetta, G., Aronne, G., Stefanaki, A., Petanidou, T., Fiser, Z. Does floral complexity increase the likelihood of extinction for the Italian flora?