



Click here to view a list of OPEN CALLS! (last update 1st March 2024)


A list of Grants and Grant types are summarised below and here ( with further information on who can apply, how to apply, evaluation criteria, amounts, etc.

More details can be accessed through the respective individual pages:

Finished STSMs, VM and VNS grants and their respective reports may be found here.



Mobility of researchers and innovators

Short-Term Scientific Mission grant

Visit of a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a Researcher or Innovator for the specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time. The grantee receives funding for implementing a project with an international team and gains new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution.


Virtual Mobility grant

Financial support for Researchers or Innovators (with a primary affiliation to an institution located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member country or from a COST Near Neighbour Country) to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.



Presentations at conferences organised by third parties

Dissemination Conference grant

Financial support to Action participant for their participation in high-level conferences to present the Action, their activities, and results (oral presentation) and for developing new contacts and potential future collaborations.


ITC Conference grant

Financial support for Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country / Near Neighbour Country for their participation in high-level conferences. The grantee receives support for attending and presenting their work (poster/oral presentation) at a conference and can establish new contacts for future collaborations.


Virtual Networking Support grant

Assessing and supporting the new forms of collaboration in a virtual and hybrid settings. This aims to be a complement to traditional ways of collaboration within the research and innovation communities and among the members of a given Action. 


What are Dissemination meetings?

Dissemination meetings are high profile events or conferences not organised by the COST Action. Action MC members or their substitutes shall attend these meetings for the purpose of disseminatingthe Action’s achievements. For more information

Only Action MC members or Action MC substitutes from Participating COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Members are eligible to be reimbursed.

More about Dissemination meetings can be found in Section 4.3 of the COST Vademecum


What are VNS and VM Grants?

In 2021, COST has developed two new type of Grants to respond to the rising need of digital tools in the context of the pandemic and to ensure continuity of COST Actions’ work activities. These are proposed as a pilot scheme until 31 October 2021 to build capacity and spread the uptake of virtual collaboration.

The Virtual Networking Tools include two new types of Grants:

  • Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant to stimulate virtual collaboration among all the members of a given Action by designating a Virtual Networking Support Manager. The successful applicant will be selected by the COST Action Management Committee (MC) to promote the virtual collaboration, such as developing a virtual networking strategy for the Action, taking overall responsibility for Virtual Mobility Grants and supporting the MC in the discussions and planning of virtual events and collaboration activities.

  • Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants to strengthen the existing networks by allowing individual participants to foster collaboration, to exchange knowledge, to learn new techniques, etc. The successful applicants will be selected by the MC to perform activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence .These activities may include surveys, questionnaires or preparation of protocols, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, etc.


The selection of the VNS and VN Grants will be done by the ITC Conference Grants committee.

ITC Conference Managers: Dr Aida DERVISHI and Dr. Maja Lazarević

For any clarification about the STSMs or VM grants, please contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator Aida Dervishi (