
Finished STSMs, VM and VNS grants

1st Grant Period (STSMs)
  1. Giulia Albani Rocchetti: Testing seed germination from old herbarium specimens for conservation purposes
  2. Manica Balant: Assessing the degree of reciprocity in Primula carniolica Jacq.    
  3. Emma Krchova: Climate change effects on population dynamics and genetic diversity of Silene acaulis in High Tatras
  4. Sissi Lozada Gobilard: Identifying hybridization in Minuartia smejkalii endemic from Czech Republic.
  5. Pablo Tejera Ibarra: GEN-FF. Gens For the Future. Consolidating Salzburg Node.
  6. Jinlei Zhu: Estimating the rate of population spread in the endangered species Minuartia smejkalii


2nd Grant Period
  1. Meleksen Akin (STSM): Genetic and genomic approaches in plant conservation
  2. Giovanna Aronne (VM): Looking for bottleneck in the life cycle of species living on cliffs and rocky slopes
  3. Daniele Calabrese (VM): Construction of a Plant-Pollinator Network for protected European Plants
  4. Živa Fišer (VNS): VNS Grant report for ConservePlants
  5. Christine Forgiarini (STSM):  The evolutionary rescue of Minuartia smejkalii using private gardens in the Czech Republic
  6. Peter Glasnović (VM): Merging Europe's Red Lists: data collection, analysis and assessment of the status of Europe's native flora
  7. Kaspars Goba (STSM): Traditional farming and the link with endangered plant conservation
  8. Ali Murat Gulsoy (STSM):  Population genetic tools for studying of rare species
  9. Stef Haesen (STSM):  Quantifying the effect of climate change on threatened forest plant species by incorporating microclimatic data into species distribution models.
  10. Maja Lazarević (VM): Data collecting for the Establishment of the Database on the Conservation actions on threatened plant species, and institutions dealing with plant conservation in Europe
  11. Nina Lončarević (STSM):  Overview and analysis of existing conservation policy documents
  12. Sissi Lozada Gobilard (STSM):  Children´s book as a strategy for plant conservation. VIDEO
  13. Baiba Pruse (STSM):  Local ecological knowledge on wild plant applications across the local communities in Iceland
  14. Alrun Siebenkas (STSM):  Influence of habitat and climatic conditions on population dynamics of endangered species
  15. Anastasia Stefanaki (VM): Data processing Floral complexity Project - Assessing floral complexity as plant vulnerability indicator of the European flora


3rd Grant Period
  1. Andrea Francesca Bellia (VM): Communication and dissemination of Action outputs, and management of web and social media pages and flora
  2. Edy Fantino (VM): EU Red List Analysis
  3. Sara Cvetanoska (ITCG): Plant assessment process for the national red list according to the IUCN methodolgy in North Macedonia
  4. Theresa Milena Grooss (STSM): Environmental predictors of Minuartia smejkalii population dynamics in garden cultivation
  5. Nikolaos Tourvas (STSM): Use of genomic tools for the conservation and management of forest reproductive material under climate change
  6. Alice Dalla Vecchia (STSM): Exploring the resource-use strategies of endangered Utricularia species and Aldrovanda for better conservation strategies
  7. Katerina Iberl (STSM): International action plans for species protection, based on the example of Gentianella praecox ssp. bohemica
  8. Manica Balant (STSM): Does hybridization with evolutionary closely related but ecologically divergent and widespread species threatens endemic Salvia
  9. Sanne Evers (STSM): The effect of climate and plant cover on the population dynamics of Dracocephalum austriacum
  10. Adelaide Clemente (VM): Construction of a mega database of European seed and gene banks-matching of plant names against the World Flora Online Taxonomic
  11. Olivia Holmes (VM): Implementation of the final phase of development of a seed collection protocol that takes into account recent advances in science
  12. Ward Fonteyn (STSM): Accounting for extreme climatic events in tree species distribution modelling to inform climate-smart forestry practices
  13. Hannah Branwood (VM): Collecting and compiling detailed data of past and ongoing plant translocations in Europe
  14. Regina Schimpf (STSM): Translation of conservation genetics/genomics results in the management of plant genetic resources
  15. Xiaqu Zhou (STSM): Investigating climate change microrefugia for European forest plant species by using microclimate data in species distribution models


4th Grant Period
  1. Adelaide Clemente (VM): Construction of a mega database of European seed and gene banks-matching of plant names against the World Flora Online Taxonomic
  2. Alice Dalla Vecchia (STSM): Exploring the resource-use strategies of endangered Utricularia species and Aldrovanda for better conservation strategies
  3. Alicja Kolasińska (VM): National flagship CITES plant species across Europe
  4. Ana Sofia dos Santos Afonso (VM): Compilation and analyses of the list of pollinators of endangered plants in Europe
  5. Anaëlle TOUILLET LE MASSON (STSM): Improving the Functional Connectivity of Grassland Networks for Plant-Pollinator Interactions on Primula veris
  6. Bojana Stojanova (STSM): Contemporary evolution of floral traits in arable weeds revealed by the resurrection method
  7. Catarina Constantino Siopa (ITCG): The impact of landscape features on pollination services provided to sweet cherry
  8. Hannah Branwood (VM): Collecting and compiling detailed data of past and ongoing plant translocations in Europe
  9. Joana Costa (STSM): Finding Bermuda buttercup – Floral biology
  10. Joaquim Santos (VM): Building an interactive platform for European plant conservation actions
  11. Katarina Šoln (STSM): Botanical illustration as a strategy for plant conservation
  12. Kristiina Gibson (VM): Engaging public in doing plant science: communication facilitators and barriers in a pan-European citizen science campaign "Looking for Cowslips
  13. Leanne Camilleri (ITCG): Vegetation reinforcement in a new and anthropised park; The case of Inwadar National Park Malta.
  14. Maja Lazarević (DCG): Establishment of the Database on conservation actions on threatened plant species and institutions dealing with plant conservation in Europe: challenges and opportunities
  15. Manica Balant (STSM): Does hybridization with evolutionary closely related but ecologically divergent and widespread species threatens endemic Salvia
  16. Mariana Castro (VM): Modelling current and future suitable areas of European threatened plant species
  17. Mariana Prokopuk (STSM): Invasive behaviour of alien species of macrophytes (comparative studies in the climate change conditions using the example of Elodea сanadensis)
  18. Marina Nonić (STSM): Assessment of adaptive genetic diversity at the local/range-wide scale, using new molecular genetic/genomic approaches, to facilitate conservation within and outside forests
  19. Marta Barberis (STSM): Assessing the pollinator assemblage of a rare and endemic species as potential pre-pollination barrier to hybridization with sympatric and closely related congener
  20. Marta Galloni (DCG): Can citizen science help plant conservation? Strategies and tips from LIFE 4 Pollinators and Conserve Plants projects
  21. Mira Fiškalović (STSM): Population genetics of rare and threatened Cardamine serbica in the Balkan Peninsula
  22. Nikolaos Tourvas (STSM): Use of genomic tools for the conservation and management of forest reproductive material under climate change
  23. Olivia Holmes (VM): Implementation of the final phase of development of a seed collection protocol that takes into account recent advances in science


5th Grant Period
  1. Justyna Wiland-Szymańska (VM): Nationally important endangered plants in Europe
  2. Aida Dervishi (STSM): Population genetic tools for studying of rare specie
  3. Giulio Zengari (STSM): An integrated taxonomic approach as tool for the assessment of two plant species conservation status and their update on the IUCN Red List
  4. Maja Lazarevic (VM): Database on the Conservation actions on threatened plant species in Europe – analysis and the overview of the results
  5. Joaquim Santos (VM): Technical improvements and final adjustments to the interactive platform for European plant conservation actions
  6. Dhimiter Peci (STSM): The application of flow cytometry to plant conservation
  7. Barberis Marta (VM): Reproductive strategies of the endemic Salvia saccardiana and strength of its reproductive barriers with S. pratensis
  8. Ziva Fiser (VM): Biological resource use of threatened plant species in Europe
  9. Ana Afonso (VM): Unveiling the Pollination Networks of Endangered European Flora: New Perspectives and In-Depth Analyses
  10. Anja Deu Janežič (VM): Review of past and current citizen-science projects focusing on plant conservation in Europe